Dahna Megami Tanjou [Action Game]

Potential Pros & Cons

- Umm... it's violent
- Umm... it's not horribly bad
- Uhh... it features a tough heroine
- Well... it's challenging
- You see... there's a horizontal shooter level and...

- Nothing stands out, sans a simple growth system
- There's annoying platform segments
- The controls are a little sticky/stiff
- It could have been better

Bel States:
"This game tries to produce a plot of some kind, but
the whole game is pretty ephemeral from start to finish.
The graphics are only average, the sound is about average,
and the gameplay is a little disjointed. Dahna Megami
Tanjou doesn't do anything original, and even the things
that it does already aren't up to snuff with far better games
of this genre. Sorry Dahna, but I have to give you a thumbs
down. Violence alone won't make you a title worth playing."

Game Screenshots

Title Screen GRRR! Hulk SMASH!! This place is on fire! The last thing we should be doing is fighting!

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